Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Companion, New Suit

So right off the bat, I know you want to know who my new companion is.....
Elder SMITH! Not the one from the MTC, but we high fived and acted like it was us. Then we realized a brand new greenie was walking towards me. Darn. Wrong Smith. But seriously, he's awesome. Tall, funny, and smart. Studied at MIT, his mom's an opera singer, so for the first half of his life they spent the years moving around the world. He spent about a year in each country, including Germany, England, France, Spain, Italy, South America, and after learning tons of languages, settled in Oceanside California, by San Diego. He's a genius, his Korean is really good. He works hard, and keeps us having fun.

There's now 7 elders in our house, a former AP is training and has another companion who has been here for 9 weeks. There's 5 elders in our ward! Insane! It's a lot of fun. I think we'll do well together. He's logical, like don't leave the front door open. Mosquitoes will come in. Seems like other people in our house don't get that logic. Yet.

We have picked up quite a few new investigators up, and are still teaching our old ones, so we're doing really well! We met an old policeman and his friend, so they took us out to dinner the next day. When we met the first time, we gave him a book of Mormon, and he actually read the introduction! He loves it, and said it seems like it's the fastest way to God. All churches are trying to get people to God, and our church seems to know the fastest way. He explained this all as we sat in a circle in a park using a coffee cup to represent God. We'll teach about the Word of Wisdom later. ;) He listens well and seems to take us very seriously. Our b boy dancer friend is doing well, he really wants to get baptized! We set a date for the 20th of this month, and hopefully we can get everything taught by then!

This week was really crazy with transfers so we said goodbye to members, and then when Elder Smith came we introduced him to everyone, and then getting settled in and introducing him to the area, all of that was really fun and kept us busy. There's no Korean in our house anymore, just 7 Americans, but it's fun. Last P day we went on a hike and took really nice pictures, and today we'll go to the flea market to look for winter clothes and fun Korean things, then off to Costco!
I'm really excited for conference. We wait a week for it to be translated to Korean, but there's no way I could understand it all, so we'll watch it at the same time, just in another room in English. I'm really excited!
Well, I'm super happy but nothing else is really coming to mind! The weather is wonderful! We go on jogs in the morning for about 15 minutes down the riverside by our house, it's nice to see some nature in Seoul. I think I developed allergies, with all of the pollution here, but my handy dandy zone leader hooked me up with some Claritin. At least that's what I think it is. But it's helping I think! I have a theory: Every time I get a new missionary straight from the MTC, I get sick. Maybe I'm allergic to America. Sorry guys.
Anyway, gotta go eat some more Kim chi.
Elder Franchina

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