Sunday, November 3, 2013

Unshaved Meat

Hey everyone,
One year older and wiser, too?
This week was busy, but pretty uneventful. We met a few new people that could become new investigators. We picked up two people that are amazing, and we'll meet with them today and tomorrow. Other than them, not much interest. We've changed our tactics a little, just to make us seem more approachable. We just ask if we can meet later if they have interest, and instead of having them meet two random foreign guys in a strange church alone, we just ask if they want to have lunch at a restaurant, grab some kimbap. We've met a lot more people, some become more comfortable saying no, some realize that, surprisingly, we're normal people, and others, whatever way we would have done it, say yes to meet.

Our investigator that was going to get baptized this Sunday hasn't answered his calls for a week and a half, but at the end of this week, he answered, and it turns out his phone was lost. He said he would come to church, but didn't, due to schoolwork. We don't know what's going to happen with him. Hoping for the best.

We have another guy preparing to be baptized at the end of the month. Boy, he's going through a rough time. He's the one that at first, he said, 'I don't want to die' because he was about to go bankrupt. He was able to get a loan and a job, but the last time we met him he lost his wallet on the way to meet us, and the next day he had an accident at work that may cause him to lose his job. But he wants to meet us because he definitely believes that meeting with us will help him. He's a nice guy.

We were also invited to participate in a group discussion with some 7th day Adventists. They brought in some of the other missionaries, and there were about 15 of them, all foreign and speaking English, started asking sincere questions about our religion. They are super curious and really want to learn more about us and the Book of Mormon, and told them to invite us, their friends. They sent us a list of questions they have and told us to teach them. We're pretty excited.

 We have what we call the 12 week program, a 2 transfer program that trainers use with their trainees to help learn how to be a missionary. We had the midway followup conference this week, so I got to see a few friends, including Elder Smith, my MTC companion, on our 1 year mark! A bunch of our sentences started with 'crazy, that a year ago you....'
Someone took us out to dinner one night, and it was really good, until you look and notice the meat you're cooking at your table wasn't shaved, so you can see little black hairs poking out of the fat. Mmmm.
The Mongolians in our ward who speak a little Korean just had a baby at the beginning of October, and they invited us over for dinner. The food was super good, they gave us so much. They're wonderful, and will teach me Mongolian, and I'll teach them English. 
I think I say this every time, but fast Sundays are always my favorite. We're really blessed when the missionaries and ward members get together and fast for a specific cause. We had an investigator, 65 years old, randomly show up at the start of Sacrament meeting, and he loved it. Absolutely loves our church. Says it's super unique. We taught him and set another appointment. Then our district of missionaries went out and proselyted together, and we met so many people. In under 2 hours we were able to have good conversations with tons of people, and received 19 phone numbers for return appointments. Usually we get about 10 numbers a week. I'm grateful to have a companion that's so driven and to have the Lord helping us at every turn. This is His work, and it's moving forward!
Until next week,
That's how they say goodbye in Korean. Legit.
Love you all!

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