Sunday, December 15, 2013


Hello All!

I got my package with the presents in it, I'm super excited to open them! And THANKS SO MUCH for the Reese's, I love them. One thing I forgot, is in Korea, the floors are heated, so when I left the box on the floor, I went to eat a Reese's, and it was all liquid. But a quick trip to the freezer and it's all better. They're so good. Thank you thank you.
Thank you everyone for your prayers for us and our investigator. Even though his house had leaks in the floor and ceiling and he got sick the day of his interview, he was able to come Sunday morning, get interviewed in time, and was baptized. It was an incredible meeting, and I wish you all could have been there. The bishop said he had never seen someone that old get baptized in Korea, and that was a testimony builder to him that anyone and everyone can accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. KJO was so happy. The mission president and his wife came to church to see the baptism too. It was amazing. 
Also, this week, we had the opportunity to go to Namsan Tower! It was a great experience. The day before we went, it snowed, so there was a clear sky and a nice, snow-capped Seoul to see. We had a nice buffet on the top floor followed by a lot of pictures. 
We also prepared for our ward's Christmas party, which was really fun. The missionaries did a great skit that we videotaped. I'll mail the card home so you guys can watch it. 
Other than those three things, we didn't really have much time for anything else! We got our transfer calls, and I'm going to Sheen-Dahng, 신당, which is the same area as the President and APs, so that should be really fun! I'll be opening a new area by them, and training. I'll miss this area and Elder Smith, but I'm excited to have this new experience.
I love you all and again, I'm so grateful for everything you do! 
Elder Franchina

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