Sunday, April 28, 2013

Six Month Mark!

I hope that through service, people will see our desire to serve, and develop an interest in why we're doing what we're doing. We aren't trying to offer free service, then come up behind them and smack them with religion. We're serving, and offering information about our religion if they're interested.

I feel like too often missionaries try to force people to believe, or to get into their house for a lesson, and that just puts a bad name on missionaries. Yes, if we have an extra 20 seconds to bear testimony or to say something else, that might change their minds, but we're also out here to find people who are looking for this message. We've seen a lot more success these past few weeks because we're focusing on the people who want to learn, not spending all of our time with people who don't want to learn and trying to force them to want to learn. If that makes sense....

English is hard now.. Speaking of Korean, I got a really nice compliment from one of our investigators. She asked how many years I've been here. She thought I have been here for about 3 years, not 3 months. But it might be because the foreigners around here that teach English or travel through here are terrible at Korean. So seeing a foreigner that can actually say a few sentences probably surprised her.
We walk through the fish markets often, but usually don't buy the meat. We usually don't have all. But when I got taco seasoning I had to get some ground beef. They don't trust American meat, something about mad cow they get their meat from Australia. It's not bad..tastes a little...kangaroo-y. 
Mom, of COURSE I made the tortillas. Who do you think I am? I'm the son of a famous bread baker. Come on, mom. All the missionaries out here be jealous of my mom and my baking skills.
When's mother's day? I don't think I'll be able to Skype, just call. But we'll probably find more info about that later as mother's day gets closer.
One of the missionaries from California made tacos for his Korean comp the other week. He turned around to get a drink from the fridge and looks back to see him put mustard and jelly on it...or something like that. Yeah....It sounds strange. Ruined the taco, I think. But he liked it!
I got the package you sent, and I LOVE it! Thank you so much! I love the candy, but, against my own will, I'll have to ask you to stop sending sweets. Unless I specifically ask. I need to lose weight! I'm in the healthiest country and I haven't changed yet! But I appreciate the stuff you've sent me!
Sokcho is EXPLODING with missionary work! Not really, but it's really picking up. In the past 2 weeks here, we've taught more lessons than I have my whole mission so far. It's awesome! Some random guy called, because we knocked on his door, but he was in the bathroom, so we stuck an English flyer on his door. Turns out he has English interest AND gospel interest! His daughter has some mormon friends back when she lived in America, so remember, everybody you meet, you give an example of our church! So he wants to learn all about us and our message, and practice English! He's a nice guy.
We have started meeting with an old investigator from about 2 years ago. They want to practice English, but like to listen to our gospel message as well. But it's hard to tell if they do that just so they can get free English or not. But we continue to serve, hoping for the best! They're really nice people.
The cookie guy is doing good, he still has problems with things he can't see, as everyone can. These things are hard, but we are trying to show him that sometimes a leap of faith can show our faith and trust, and will bring blessings and answers. 
We found a family that likes Japanese culture, as well as others, to keep their minds open and such, and we're still meeting with them, twice a week. They're super nice, and seem to like our message. 
We haven't met with the investigator that has met with missionaries for 2 years again yet, because she opened up a store, and is really busy. But we have plans to meet her this week.
It seems like all of our investigators are really progressing and are ready to make the next step! I feel like we may have some baptisms in Sokcho in the next three months or so. I hope I'm still here!
Speaking of which, we get our calls next Saturday, so I'm excited and a bit nervous! I hope I stay. But I know I'll be happy wherever I go.
I hit my six month mark in 2 days! That's crazy how fast time flies. It's sad to see missionaries go home, and even more sad to hear them say how they wished they worked harder and things like that. These two years go by so fast, and you'll never get them back, so I'm trying to stay afloat and work the hardest I can!
Love you all!
Until next week,
Elder Franchina

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