Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Usual

Korean Walnut Cookies

Things are going great. We haven't been able to meet with our usual investigator for a while, and the three girls and their mom that wanted to meet often haven't been able to meet outside of our free English class because of schedules, but I feel like they all want to. 
Last week we met Cookie Guy and finished the first lesson. He doesn't really believe in God though, so with the flame newly fueled from Conference, we'll meet with him soon and help him out with that. I feel like every talk in Conference directly applied to at least one of our investigators. It's incredible. Also, this man teaches English class at his shop, and he wants to refer his whole class to us for English practice AND gospel. We're really excited for that. We also helped him out in his shop (he makes cookies), so he was grateful for our help. It was so much fun, we made about 1500 walnut cookies. They're so delicious. Plus, we could eat the broken or burned pieces.  : )
Also, we have a referral from 계산, and he finished some tests, so he finally had some time to meet. We called during weekly planning, and it was one of those things where it was like, 'oh, it's been ringing for 2 minutes, he won't answer, just hang up', but right then he answered and said, "let's meet now!"  Sweet.

 We did some English, and he took us out to dinner, and we taught him the rest of the first lesson. He says he believes it, and next time we'll talk with him about how, and why he believes it, and really build on that good faith he already has. He's a great guy, and seems perfectly prepared for the gospel. He wants us to call him every night to talk and do some English, but we told him our bill would be too high, but we'll still text him every day and call him as often as we can. He really likes us. He cut his hand in a factory 2 years ago and took that as a sign to go back to church. Later, an elder knocked on his door. Perfect! I'm so excited for him. I really hope he progresses fast. He has some more tests this week, but we'll call him often and try to meet this weekend or next week. 

With an amazing weekend of Conference, I want to go over specific talks and apply those to my investigators. I wrote down questions, personal, and about my investigators, and wrote down our investigator's concerns, and I found myself taking a page of notes per talk, and half of the notes were how to help our investigators here. It was wonderful. I am already excited for next conference!

During Conference I talked with some members in the branch, and I feel like we're really growing close now. They said I've learned so much Korean since arriving, and it's easier to talk to me now. I love this branch so much. 
Besides that, nothing else to report! I hope you all have a nice, warm spring week!
-피진아 장로

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