Sunday, June 29, 2014

It's another great week out in 강릉!

Hello all!

We have a meeting to get to in Seoul tonight, so this email will be short.

We have a cool investigator, LOO. He's 22 and missing his pointer, middle, and ring finger on his right hand. He's way cool and super nice, and this week he accepted the invitation to be baptized!  He'll be busy with work this next month, but we're still planning on July 20. He's a great kid, and I'm really excited for him. He's absolutely hilarious, but super sincere at the same time. After explaining the kingdoms of glory to him and bearing testimony, I asked, 'So, where would you like to go after you die?'
'....Uh. I have a question.'
'Sure, ask away.'
'This resurrection thing. After you have a perfect body, do you need sleep?'
'*caught off guard* Uh, I guess not, you won't get tired if you're perfect, why?'
'*sigh of relief* Good, I guess I'd want to go to the Sun Kingdom. If I needed sleep, though, it'd be too bright. I'd probably want to go to the Moon kingdom.' ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
He's hilarious.

We had a lot of miracles this week, but they all include meeting ladies that were interested, so we referred them over to the sister missionaries.
It's another great week out in 강릉!

Love you all,

Elder Franchina

P.S. It's not my first area, just the same zone, but I'll go back to
Sokcho on exchanges in a week or two!

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