Sunday, August 4, 2013

Feeling Sick....But Not Homesick

It's hard as a parent to know that your child is not feeling well and can't be there to make him feel better! When Brad was on his mission in Japan, he said it wasn't worth mentioning he was sick or had a cold, because by the time the letter got to the USA, he would be feeling better ~ why worry your parents? 

Fast forward to the days of Email and instant messaging.  As soon as we got this email, we asked him what was wrong. It sounded like he was feeling fluish, which was too bad, because he just barely got a brand new missionary (greenie) for his companion, and we are sure his companion wanted to be out and about the city...   Thank goodness for pictures like this, reminding us that he is happy and healthy!

Elder Jordan & Elder Diede!

Hey guys! Sorry, it's going to be a short email. I'm not feeling well so I'm going to get off soon. But don't worry! I'll be fine.
Yeah, it seems like Japan and Korea are really similar with Danchis (apartments). We have juteks, and they're really small. But I love how it brings the family closer, literally, and also allows for close relationships. We have an investigator who owns a bank, and he admits that now money is his religion. He bases his happiness on his money and success. But then he went on to complain about the economical state of things and about the deteriorating situation of the family. We talked a little about the Family, a proclamation to the world, and will give him one next time we meet. I think they way to his heart is through his family. I truly believe that he can find real happiness through his family, and that happiness is only strengthened by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We've been pretty busy, training keep us on our toes. We're always practicing talking to people on the street, and his Korean is growing a lot every day. He just got to the country last week, the day before we met and went back to our area. His name is elder Diede, pronounced deedee, so Koreans love his name. He's from Billings, Montana, and now his family lives in Springville, Utah, for the past 3 years. We have one picture, but we'll take more soon. Don't worry!
Mom, thanks for your advice on patience. That's something I definitely need to work on.  Elder Diede works hard and his Korean is getting better every day. 

I love the work out here, and I love my companion. I can't believe I only have 15 months left! I'm not at my halfway mark yet, but it'll come and go fast.
Love you guys!

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