Sunday, September 1, 2013

300 Days as a Missionary!

That's interesting, and I'm excited to help you and Gary with the temple work. That will be a really special, sacred time. I'm so grateful for temples. That brings us to this week's activities.
We went to the temple last Tuesday! That was great. It was my 300th day as a missionary, and we got together with Elder Smith, my MTC comp and his greenie, and went to a nice restaurant. That was fun.
On Monday we had a cool experience. We do family home evening on mondays, where some ward members just come over, we share a quick message, play some games, and maybe eat some food. One lady in our ward is Mongolian, and doesn't speak much Korean, but she's SUPER pregnant. She was expecting the baby this week, so some of her family from Mongolia came over. So her family doesn't speak any Korean, and only one of them speaks a little English, and we had other Koreans from our ward there. We're trying to teach a message, and I first say it in English, and the husband will translate it into Mongolian for his family, I translate it into Korean for the Koreans, and then if the Mongolian family says anything, he translates it into English and I translate it to Korean. Crazy. It was a night full of short, simple sentences. But it was cool having that experience, speaking three different languages and translating. The Mongolian wife bore her testimony to her husband, he translated it to English, and I translated it into Korean. It was a special experience, having two or three language barriers, but still feeling the Spirit strongly.
One of our friends that comes to English class had an eye procedure done, so his whole face was numb for English class. He was embarrassed, so he held a book in front of his face the whole time. It was kind of creepy but hilarious when you would hear laughter coming from behind the book, but his eyes would be completely serious. He's a funny guy. He actually came to church yesterday, too! The sisters began teaching him.
Today we're doing ALL OF THE THINGS! Shopping, fixing, relaxing, eating, having fun. Sorry I haven't taken many pictures, I'll get on that.
Maybe I'll try to take a video of us playing ping pong and mail the card home.
Thanks for your thoughts on trust. I think you're right, it boils down to action. 걍 한다. Just do it. If you do, you'll do everything you can until you can't do anymore, and will have to rely on the Lord.
Love you all!
Elder Franchina

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